2018 Executive

The following members have been elected or appointed to the Branch 580 Executive for 2018-2019

Branch Officers
President  Doug Moore
Past President  Jen MacDonald
1st Vice President  Bill MacDonald
2nd Vice President  Dave Coulter
Secretary  Terri Wright
Treasurer  Karen Boyle
Sergeant At Arms  Bill MacDonald
Padre  Bill Thompson
Branch Executive
Heather Atkins
Tracey Taylor
Al Tidd
Helen Routh
Helen Massey
John Grozelle
 Committee Functions  
 Lottery, Bingo  Tracey Taylor
 Ways & Means  Helen Routh
 Membership  Heather Atkins
 Service Office  Doug Moore
 Youth Ed  Jen MacDonald
 PRO  John Grozelle & G. Freymann (as volunteer)
 Poppy  Dave Coulter and Heather Atkins
 Honours & Awards  Heather Atkins & G. Freymann (as volunteer)
 Leadership & Planning  Jen MacDonald
 Entertainment  Terri Wright and Committee
 Building & Maintenance  Bill MacDonald
 Service Officer  Doug Moore
 Seniors  Helen Massey
 LA Liason  Tracey Taylor
 Sick & Visiting  Helen Massey
 Bar  Karen Boyle
 Sports  Al Tidd

Scott Powell was terminated from his positions in March 2018.

Gerry Freymann vacated his positions in September 2018.

Updated October 1, 2018