Ladies Auxiliary

Branch 580 Ladies AuxiliaryDuring the 1914-1918 war years as wounded veterans returned home, women were asked to help with their recovery by visiting hospitals, sending parcels to the hospitalized and to needy families. It was from these dedicated bands of women that The Royal Canadian Legion Ladies’ Auxiliary was started! Today, the Ladies’ Auxiliary is a vital and integral part of the work that the Legion provides to it’s community. Major contributors to the day-to-day life of Legion Branches, Ladies’ Auxiliaries provide financial and volunteer support to Legion programs.

The Ladies’ Auxiliary (LA) is a non-profit organization operated separate from The Royal Canadian Legion… but together they thrive. Most, but not all, Legion Branches have Ladies Auxiliaries.

Membership in the Ladies Auxiliary

Members of the Ladies’ Auxiliary support the aims and objectives of The Royal Canadian Legion. Their dedicated service enriches the programs and activities of the Branch.

The LA is comprised of mothers, wives, daughters, stepdaughters, nieces, sisters, granddaughters, great granddaughters and widows of Legion members. Under the Ontario Provincial Command, membership is also open to all eligible women in the community that are of age of majority.

Any woman who is eligible for membership in the Legion may choose to become a member of the Ladies Auxiliary only, or a member of both organizations.

To join the LA, please contact Branch 580 for more information.

2024-2025 Ladies Auxiliary Officers

President – Karen Jaynes

Past President – Alexis Ferguson

1st Vice President – Heather Atkins

2nd Vice President – Alexis Ferguson

Secretary – Pat Skinner

Treasurer – Pat Skinner

Membership/Lottery – Heather Atkins

Sgt. at Arms – Helen Routh

Sports Officer – Danielle Tidd

Executive:  Linda Fraser, Sue Moore, Jennifer Chamberlain, Dianna Tidd, Mary Lou Taylor

Any requests for booking of meals to please contact:

Karen Jaynes – 905-349-2966
– or – 
Sue Moore – 289-251-0419