11th Annual Memorial Dart & Crib Tournament – Winners

Join us on Saturday March 18, 2017 for our 11th Annual Memorial Darts & Crib Tournament in memory of Jean Jaynes, Eugene Tidd and Jack Harnden.

Cribbage in the Club Room
Register at 11am, play at Noon. $5/per person

Darts in the Hall
Register at 11am, play at Noon. $25/per team
Mixed Teams of 2 Men/2 Women

Food Available, Everyone is welcome!

Proceeds to the Cancer And Lung Associations.

Additional information added March 19:

Winners – Darts

Michelle Stanley, Ivan Stanley, Jeff Lambert & Sharon Crane

Winners – Crib

Shirley Davey & Fern Stewart

Total money raised was $927.50   $463.75 to Cancer Society and $463.75 to Lung association.

The Grafton Legion Branch 580 will add $72.50 so each donation will be $500.00

About admin

RCL Br.580 Pro Chair