Legion Members with email addresses on file should have received the “Legion update on COVID-19” by now. It outlines the status of some planned National gatherings.
The Grafton Legion is monitoring the situation in our area closely, and for now, all events are running as scheduled. Please refer to our Facebook, Twitter and website for the latest information.
We will taking guidance from our local health authorities and provincial/territorial commands in determining whether meetings or events should proceed.
Here is a copy of the email from Dominion President Thomas Irvine.
Important message from the Dominion President
Good afternoon Comrades,
Following our initial alert related to COVID-19, our Dominion Executive Council met this morning and considered which actions we should take as an organization. I’d like to share the outcome.
As you read this, please keep in mind that we are taking a balanced and calm approach, and will remain ready to make changes as this fluid situation develops. In all instances, we will communicate new or modified decisions to you as soon as possible.
- Planned national gatherings
- The April DEC meeting will be postponed until June 5-7, with Tom’s Town Hall tentatively being held on June 8. This decision will be revisited in May.
- The 2020 Dominion Convention is still planned to go ahead in August. This decision will be revisited at the end of April and a final decision to either proceed or re-schedule the convention will be made by DEC in June. Hotel bookings are still recommended, transportation arrangements should be put on hold until further notice.
- All national Legion Member Sports events including darts, cribbage and 8-Ball have been cancelled for 2020.
- The Legion National Youth Track and Field Championships is still planned to go ahead in August. This decision will be revisited at the end of April and a final decision to either cancel or proceed will be made by DEC in June.
- Branch-related operations
- Branches are directed to seek and take guidance from their local health authorities and provincial/territorial commands in determining whether meetings or events should proceed
- Consideration should be given to all possible known risk factors.
- All OSI Special Section Buddy Check Coffee and Operation VetBuild gatherings in all regions across the country are postponed until further notice.
In all instances, we have considered the number of people affected, their ages, virus susceptibility, travel arrangements, overall logistical challenges related to postponement versus cancellation, ability to provide sanitization measures, and community climate.
We have also based our decisions on the best information provided by our country’s health officials.
While the risk to Canadians remains low at this time, it is prudent to take these actions in order to decrease the risk to our members, public and employees.
We would like to reinforce the need for good hygienic practices – including regular handwashing, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing and staying at home if exhibiting symptoms of illness. You can find excellent online resources via Health Canada.
Please direct any further operational questions to your local Branch leadership team or your provincial/territorial command.
The Legion will provide ongoing updates online through the membership portal and through a visible link at the top of our Legion.ca homepage. Dominion Convention updates can also be accessed via the homepage link.
In Comradeship,

Thomas D. Irvine, CD
Dominion President
The Royal Canadian Legion